You cannot make the precise cuts until and unless you have sharp chain saw blades. The chainsaw is one of the most demanded and handy tool which offers a variety of cuts. However, with the passage of time, the tool becomes dull and this dullness interferes with the quality of your work. Here, I would like to give two step by step processes to sharpen Chainsaw precisely in an easy way. You will only need chainsaw sharpening kit that includes a lamp and a file to sharpen your tool perfectly.
Remove the plug and clean the chain:
As with any power tool, the safety comes first so, first of all, you have to remove the plug before doing any kind of maintenance work. Once you have unplugged the saw then all you need to do is to clean the chain. You have to clean the chain thoroughly and inspect the chain for any kind of broken or worn out teeth. You have to release the chain brake and clean all the dust and debris that is accumulated. If you see any damaged or worn out part then it will need to be replaced immediately.
Choose the file and Mark the chain:
It is very important to select the right kind of file size for sharpening the saw. The correct file should sit rightly in the blade curve. You can make use of a marker to clean so that you can have an idea from where you started.
Make Perfect Alignment of the file:
You will need to use a multi-function gauge on the chain that you need to sharpen. Always make sure to file each blade the same length because it will help to speed up the process of cutting. Some people leave burrs on the chain which leads to kick back during the work so you need to prevent the burrs as much as you can. If you will keep the file at the right angle then you will end up in perfect finishing. After completion of one side, rotate the chain to sharpen other side of the chainsaw.
File the Rakers and do final steps:
Make sure to file the rakers a little lower as compared to the top surface. Always check the height of each raker so that you can end up doing the right work. In the last step, check your chain bar oil and loose the tighten chain.